
Webterm is a web-based terminal environment that ships with Beaker. It is superficially similar to the Unix "bash" terminal, but designed specifically for the browser and Hyperdrive environment.

Basic usage

To open the terminal, press Ctrl+~ or click on the "Terminal" button on the toolbar of the browser.

The terminal uses a command syntax that's similar to "bash" in Unix.

command [-s|--switch {param}] {param1} {param2}

At this stage, there is no piping or sub-invocations. All commands translate to JavaScript functions which can respond with HTML interfaces.

Builtin commands

You can type help at any time to see a full list of available commands. Here are some of the useful builtins:

  • open - Navigate the terminal and the attached page to the given path or URL.

  • cd. Navigate the terminal to the given path or URL.

  • Filesystem

    • ls. List the files in a given location.

    • pwd. Get the current terminal location.

    • mv. Move a file or folder.

    • cp. Copy a file or folder.

    • mkdir. Create a folder.

    • mount. Create a mount-link.

    • rm. Delete a file, folder, or mount.

    • meta. View or edit the metadata of a file.

    • cat. View the contents of a file.

    • edit. Edit a file.

  • Page Interactions

    • page exec. Execute JavaScript on the current page.

    • page inject. Inject CSS into the current page.

  • Command Management

    • commands ls. List installed command packages.

    • commands install. Install a new command package.

    • commands create. Create a new command package.

Environment variables

Webterm supports environment variables in its command invocations. These are words prefixed by a '$' dollar sign.

echo $pwd

To view and modify the environment variables, use the env command. By default, Webterm defines the following environment vars:

  • $@ The URL of the current page which Webterm is attached to.

  • $pwd The URL of the current location which Webterm is working in.

Creating and installing new commands

You can manage your installed Webterm commands by using the commands command. Commands are bundled into "command package" hyperdrives.

To create a new command, run commands create. It will guide you through creation of your "command package" and provide a new drive with basic examples.

Webterm Commands run with full access to the browser's internal APIs and are therefore able to change anything. Only install commands which you trust!

Command invocations are automatically parsed and passed to the functions that your package's index.js file exports. You will need to include an index.json that provides help and some parsing guidelines for the options. An example index.json:

  "type": "webterm.sh/cmd-pkg",
  "title": "My Commands",
  "commands": [
      "name": "hello",
      "help": "Says hello",
      "usage": "hello [-u] [{who}]",
      "options": [
          "name": "uppercase",
          "abbr": "u",
          "help": "Output in all-uppercase",
          "boolean": true,
          "default": false

And its matching index.js:

export async function hello (opts = {}, who = 'world') {
  var str = `hello ${who}`
  if (opts.uppercase) str = str.toUpperCase()
  return str

The "commands" section is an array of objects with the following attributes:

  • name. The name of the command.

  • help. An optional explanation of the command.

  • usage. An optional summary of the command's parameters.

  • options. An optional array of the switch-options which can be provided. Each object can have the following attributes:

    • name. The long name of the option.

    • abbr. An optional short name for the option.

    • help. An explanation of the option.

    • boolean. If true, the option does not accept a value.

    • default. The default value of the option if not specified by the invocation.

  • subcommands. An optional array of objects describing subcommands of this command. Use this when the command is actually a prefix to multiple commands.

    • The objects in this array use the same schema as the "commands" array.

Command are invoked with a this object that is populated with some custom APIs:

  • env

    • getAll(). Returns an object containing all current env variables.

    • get(key). Returns the value of the given env variable.

    • set(key, value). Sets the given env variable's value.

    • goto(location). Sets the CWD.

    • focus(). Focuses the terminal prompt.

    • resolve(location). Resolves the given location against the CWD.

  • page

    • goto (location, {newTab}). Navigates the attached page to the given location. If newTab is true, creates a new tab.

    • refresh(). Refreshes the current page.

    • exec(js). Executes the given javascript in the current page.

    • inject(css). Injects the given styles in the current page. Returns an ID which can be used in uninject.

    • uninject(id). Uninjects styles which had previously been injected.

  • out(...args). Outputs the arguments to the Webterm console. Can be provided HTML elements.

  • prompt(txt, defaultValue). Runs an input prompt.

Some example usages:

this.out('Hello world!')

Page commands

Pages can export their own commands, which they define using the beaker.terminal API. Page commands are prefixed with an '@' symbol.

@open-issue 1
@login --user pfrazee --password hunter2

Unlike normal Webterm commands, page commands run on the page and therefore have no special privileges. They also do not have access to the env, page, out, and other APIs attached to the this object.

Last updated