
This API sends and receives messages over Hyperdrive connections

Peersockets enable you to send and receive messages to peers on a hyperdrive.

Technical background

Hyperdrive establishes connections between users to send drive-data. Peersockets piggybacks on those connections by creating additional message-channels.

The peersocket channel is separated into "topics" which are string IDs. You choose to handle messages in a topic by "joining" the topic. If you don't join a topic, your device will still receive the messages, but they'll be discarded.

Note: topics are specific to a hyperdrive. You can only send messages to peers connected to the same hyperdrive.

Every peer has a "peer id" assigned. You send messages to specific peers by using their assigned peer id. You can get the current peers by calling watch() and handling the "join" and "leave" events.

Peer IDs are created for the network session and will not persist.

Example usage

// maintain a list of active peers
var peerIds = new Set()
var peerEvents =
peerEvents.addEventListener('join', e => {
peerEvents.addEventListener('leave', e => {

// send and receive 'chat' messages
var topic = beaker.peersockets.join('chat')
function sendToAll (message) {
  message = new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(message)
  for (let peerId of peerIds) {
    topic.send(peerId, message)
topic.addEventListener('message', e => {
  console.log('peer', e.peerId, 'says', new TextDecoder().decode(e.message))



Join a "topic" for sending and receiving messages.

  • topic String. The topic identifier.

  • Returns Topic

var topic = beaker.peersockets.join('chat')
function sendToAll (message) {
  message = new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(message)
  for (let peerId of peerIds) { // assume `peerIds` is being tracked using watch()
    topic.send(peerId, message)
topic.addEventListener('message', e => {
  console.log('peer', e.peerId, 'says', new TextDecoder().decode(e.message))

Watch for connection events. Emits "join" events for all connections that exist at time-of-call.

  • Returns PeerEvents

var peerIds = new Set()
var peerEvents =
peerEvents.addEventListener('join', e => {
  console.log('join', e)
peerEvents.addEventListener('leave', e => {
  console.log('leave', e)

Topic Instance

"message" event

Emitted when a peer sends you a message on the topic.

  • peerId Number. The sending peer's identifier.

  • message Uint8Array. The message content.

topic.addEventListener('message', e => {
  console.log('peer', e.peerId, 'says', new TextDecoder().decode(e.message))

topic.send(peerId, message)

Sends a message to the specified peer.

  • peerId Number. The target peer's identifier.

  • message Uint8Array. The message content.

  • Returns Void.

topic.send(1, new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('Hello!'))


Closes the topic instance. This will not close the topic globally; other topic instances (e.g. in other tabs) remain active.

  • Returns Void.


PeerEvents Instance

"join" event

Emitted when a new peer connects. When watch() is called, any existing connections will be emitted as join events.

  • peerId Number. The connecting peer's identifier.

peerEvents.addEventListener('join', e => {
  console.log('new connection:', e.peerId)

"leave" event

Emitted when a peer disconnects.

  • peerId Number. The disconnecting peer's identifier.

peerEvents.addEventListener('leave', e => {
  console.log('connection closed:', e.peerId)


Stops listening for messages on the PeerEvents instance. Does not stop connections from being created.

Last updated